In early January 2024, Microsoft experienced a cybersecurity breach executed by the Russian state-sponsored group Midnight Blizzard, known as...
In the ever-expanding landscape of cybersecurity, organizations are continually challenged to adapt and innovate in the face of evolving threats. As digital transformation accelerates and remote work...
What is Parallels Browser Isolation (PBI)?
Parallels Browser Isolation (PBI) is a comprehensive, cloud-native solution that offers highly secure access to web applications and SaaS via a...
As more businesses use SaaS apps and the demand for remote work and the tools that facilitate it grows, online threats are increasing.
Traditional security methods...
As the Senior Vice President of Product, I am thrilled about the latest release in Parallels platform – Parallels Browser Isolation (PBI).
In this post, I’d like to emphasize the importance of Parallels Browser Isolation and how it...