Events and Webinars

Parallels Secure Workspace technical certification Upcoming 2024
Parallels RAS technical certification Upcoming 2024
What’s new in Parallels RAS 19.4 —a tech preview for Partners Upcoming April 18, 2024
Enhance Microsoft RDS with Parallels Secure Workspace: Secure access, anywhere, any time. Upcoming April 25, 2024
Live Webinar: Enhance Azure Virtual Desktop with Parallels RAS Upcoming May 9, 2024
How MSPs can streamline license costs and reduce complexity with Parallels RAS Upcoming May 16, 2024
Discover a simpler way to deliver virtual apps and desktops: The VMware alternative On-demand -
Getting started with Parallels Desktop Webinar: A beginner's guide to seamless virtualization On-demand -
Introducing Parallels Browser Isolation: Simple, seamless, secure browsing On-demand -
Modernize & transform RDS environments with Parallels RAS On-demand -
Unleashing the power of DaaS: transforming your workspace with next-gen solutions On-demand -
Deliver a secure digital workplace solution to your customers with Parallels Secure Workspaces (formerly Awingu) On-demand -
Simplify Azure Virtual Desktop with Parallels RAS On-demand -
A simpler way to deliver virtual apps and desktops to your customers— beyond Citrix. On-demand -
Discover a simpler way to deliver virtual apps and desktops — beyond Citrix On-demand -
Introducing Parallels Secure Workspace (formerly Awingu) On-demand -
Harnessing Parallels RAS: the ultimate multi-tenancy solution for MSPs On-demand -
What’s new in Parallels RAS 19.3 On-demand -
Simplified virtual application and desktop services built for MSPs - AMER On-demand -
Simplified solutions built for MSPs ─ EMEA On-demand -
Parallels® RAS 19.3 — technical preview for customers On-demand -
Parallels®️ RAS 19.3 - Technical Preview for Partners On-demand -
Unlock the full potential of Windows on Mac: take it to the next level with Parallels Desktop for Business On-demand -
Reference Architectures for Parallels RAS On-demand -
A practical guide to SaaSifying and modernizing your software business (ISV) On-demand -
Discover Parallels Awingu: a simple and secure digital workspace solution On-demand -
Enhancing remote access security for medical applications and patient data with Parallels RAS On-demand -
Unleash the power of Windows on Mac with Parallels Desktop for Business On-demand -
What’s new in Parallels RAS version 19.2! On-demand -
EUC insights for 2023: A survey of over 300 IT professionals On-demand -
Hybrid cloud strategies in 2023. Overcome key business challenges On-demand -
Parallels RAS and Amazon EC2: Digital workspaces for evolving workplaces On-demand -
Modern workspaces: Is there a simpler alternative to Citrix for virtual apps and desktops? On-demand -
What’s new in Parallels RAS 19? On-demand -