Remote Lock Android with an SMS

We’ve often discussed the reasons why mobile phone security is important. With most of us keeping important personal or company information on our phones, we can’t afford to lose them. The confidential contact information of clients, our credit card details and our passwords are all at...

Find, Track and Remote Wipe Android Devices

In the previous article, we showed you why it’s so important to lock your phone and also how you can lock it via your Android settings. We also showed you how to remotely lock your device, using 2X MDM. In this article, I’ll show you how being able to find and track your Android...

Remote Wipe Your Lost Device

What do you do if your one of your employees has just informed you that they’ve lost their work smartphone or tablet? Sure, you can use the find and track 2X MDM feature, but chances are the smartphone or tablet has sensitive information stored on it that your business can’t risk...