For home ![Home icon](/static/pl/fileadmin/res/img/pd/2023/icon-home-small.svg)
Continue using your trusted Windows applications, including perpetual versions of existing software or entertainment and hobby-related apps.
![Enjoy the best Windows has to offer, fully integrated into your Mac environment](/static/pl/fileadmin/res/img/pd/2024/std/pd20-popup-home-2.png)
Comfortable using Windows? We've got you covered. Enjoy the best Windows has to offer, fully integrated into your Mac environment.
![Streamline your financial tasks with easy access to the most popular accounting software](/static/pl/fileadmin/res/img/pd/2024/std/pd20-popup-home-3.png)
Streamline your financial tasks with easy access to the most popular accounting software like MYOB, QuickBooks and many more.
![Enable creativity](/static/pl/fileadmin/res/img/pd/2024/std/pd20-popup-home-4.png)
Experience the full power of Microsoft Office on Windows with advanced macros, extensive plugin support, and superior compatibility.