IT Manager's Headache: Managing Corporate Email on Mobile Devices
Picture this you’re the IT Manager at ABC Ltd, and you have just come out of a meeting with the CEO. During the meeting the CEO announced that he wants you to install the corporate emails of all 300 sales people on their mobile devices. He is unhappy with the fact that clients are sending...
Two Core BYOD Issues Your Organization Needs to Address Before Implementing a BYOD Program recently posted a helpful article about BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs, “Could Employees’ Smartphones Harm Your Business?” BYOD programs often save companies money on hardware and training, and they can certainly bring greater productivity to a mobile enterprise. Before...
Wipe Personal Data from Any Mobile Device with 2X MDM
Over half of UK mobile phone users believe the personal data on their phones would be secure in the event of theft or loss. Are they right? British life assistance company CPP wanted to find out, so last year it decided to conduct an experiment. The company purchased a number of second-hand mobile...
Is Mobile Management for You?
Mobile devices are prominent in business because communicating and managing your employees is easier via these devices. With so many of us having mobile devices, and those devices possibly containing sensitive information, such as confidential client details, the need for serious mobile management...
Are Smartphones in Business Indispensable?
Smartphones in business are on the rise with more and more companies preferring to give out smartphones rather than laptops. I think it’s fair to say that most people cannot imagine going back to the day when they didn’t have a smartphone or other mobile device. Ask yourself how...
Remote Lock Android with an SMS
We’ve often discussed the reasons why mobile phone security is important. With most of us keeping important personal or company information on our phones, we can’t afford to lose them. The confidential contact information of clients, our credit card details and our passwords are all at...
Find, Track and Remote Wipe Android Devices
In the previous article, we showed you why it’s so important to lock your phone and also how you can lock it via your Android settings. We also showed you how to remotely lock your device, using 2X MDM. In this article, I’ll show you how being able to find and track your Android...