1,044 posts found for "security"

BYOD Security Concerns

BYOD Security Concerns

BYOD Security (Bring Your Own Device), often referred to as BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology), is a security policy that permits workers to use their own equipment, like computers, tablet devices, or smartphones, while at work to access proprietary data and company-owned...

iPhone Security Vulnerability

You may have heard the news last month regarding an iPhone security exploit on the new iOS 6.1. The iPhone security glitch made it possible to bypass the iPhone’s passcode security and access to your locked iPhone’s contacts, voicemails, photos and more. Apple have said they are aware...

Dealing with Mobile Security Concerns

According to a survey concluded at the end of 2012, the top security concern worldwide across all sized businesses is mobile security. It’s no surprise – the use of mobile devices is rising, and most businesses are embracing the many advantages they bring. BYOD programs are increasing, and...

Don’t Overlook Android Tablet Security

Most people recognize the importance of securing their desktop computer against viruses or spyware. Now that tablets can do almost everything a computer can, people now need to take care of Android tablet security as well. After all, not only is there the usual risk of malware infected apps, there...

Why is Mobile Phone Security Important?

Mobile phones are here to stay and you need to know how to protect your privacy when using them. Many people have come to accept security on their computers as the norm yet still overlook mobile phone security. This is a mistake. Hackers are taking advantage of this lack of security awareness and...