The One Trick That Will Ensure No One Knows You’re Working from Home

You and I both know that work doesn’t always end when you walk away from your desk. If you’re anything like me, you have remote access to your files on your phone and at least a work and a personal email set up on your phone as well.

It’s hard to walk away—but while we’re always connected, it doesn’t look professional when there’s the “Sent from my iPhone” or other such nonsense at the bottom of your emails. Your colleagues or clients don’t have to know that you’re answering emails while walking the dogs in the afternoon!

It only takes a moment to change those automated email signatures on your devices. Here’s how to do it, so no one knows you’re working remotely.

How to Change the Email Signature on iPhone and iPad

How to Update Your iPhone or Android Email Signature

Go to Settings  Mail, Contacts, Calendar.

Scroll way down until you get to Signature. Tap on that and you can update it to whatever you like—ideally whatever you would have while working from your desk so they never know where you’re working from.

How to Update Your iPhone or Android Email Signature

Even better, if you have multiple email accounts on your phone, you can customize the signature line for each email account connected to the Mail app.

How to Change the Email Signature on Android

Keep in mind results will vary with what device, email provider, etc. that you have. My instructions below are for using a Nexus 7 tablet.

How to Update Your iPhone or Android Email Signature

Open up your email app, and choose whichever email account you’d like to update the signature for.

Tap the Menu button, then tap on Setting.

Tap on Signature. Now you can update it to match whatever you use when working from your desk.

Update your devices, and keep the mystery alive on your super work powers. No one need know you’re answering your work emails at home on your phone in your Batman pajamas!


Parallels Access

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