How to Hide Files on Mac:
The Ultimate Guide

Finding people snooping on your Mac is a common occurrence, especially when working from a shared office. Such occurrences can be annoying or embarrassing, particularly when you have sensitive or personal information on your Mac. However, with a few tips on how to hide files on Mac, you can keep your private files on your Mac away from intruders. In this guide, we will share easy steps to hide files on your Mac.

Why you may want to hide your files

There are different reasons why you can decide to hide your files. Here are two key reasons;

  1. To prevent accidental deletion of system files: Protected system files are crucial to the booting and operation of your computer. Deleting such files intentionally or accidentally may result in boot-up or operation problems on your Mac. Hence, the need to hide them.
  2. To keep your files private: Like any other computer user, you are likely to save your confidential information on your desktop. Such practices can compromise the safety of your information. In worse situations, the intruder can mess with the information.

Regardless of the reason for hiding your files on your Mac, there are different ways of doing it, including the use of keyboard shortcuts and Parallel's Toolbox.

How to hide files on Mac

Using keyboard shortcuts

If you like playing with keyboard shortcuts and commands, here is a simple procedure to help you hide the files:

  1. Locate the files you want to hide. For easy access to these files, use the Finder feature on your Mac.
  2. Simultaneously, press Shift+CMD+Period (.) to hide the files. This procedure will not only hide your files, but it is also helpful when you want to access hidden files. Repeat the sequence of pressing the three keys to unhide hidden files.

This procedure only works on the latest version of macOS.

Activate FileVault on your Mac

FileVault is a feature on your Mac computer that restricts access to the hard drive unless you have the access password. The vault keeps your files away from prying eyes. Here are easy steps to follow:

Step 1: Locate the Apple icon on the far left corner of your computer screen and click it.

Step 2: Select the System Preference option on the drop-down menu and click on the "Security & Privacy" option.

Step 5: Select the FileVault tab, which is next to the general tab. To turn on FileVault, you must click the padlock icon and log in with your details.

Step 6: Choose your recovery method by either choosing the iCloud option or generating a local key. If you opt to generate a local key, note the key in a safe place.

Step 7: Click on the continue button, and the setup process will be complete.

How long your computer will take to hide the files depends on the number of files you are hiding.

Use third-party applications

Third-party applications like Parallels Toolbox will reliably help you hide critical files from other users of your Mac. Third-party apps have different procedures that you can use to hide files on Mac.

How to hide files using Parallels Toolbox

Parallels Toolbox has a variety of tools for you and other Mac users. For instance, you can hide your files and folders from your desktop by clicking on the Hide Desktop icon in the Parallels Toolbox. Using this tool offers the easiest way of hiding files on your Mac.

How to hide hidden files on Mac

You can hide hidden files and make them no longer visible by navigating anywhere in Mac Finder and hitting Command + Shift + Period. This will hide the invisible files. But you can also use Parallels tool to hide hidden files. In which case, you'll need to find the Hidden Files icon on the Parallels Toolbox and click it. You can click the tool again if you want to view hidden files on your Mac.

Bottom line

While the above ways of hiding files on a Mac computer are efficient, using Parallels Toolbox will give you an easy time to accomplish your goals. Download it today to secure your files and folders from unintended audiences.