Parallels is on Pinterest!

If you’re anything like me, you understand how important Pinterest is to daily life. From pinning fitness inspiration for those dying resolutions… To saving “Easy but amazing!” DIY pins as an outlet for your creative side… Or for scaring your future spouse with the...
8 Tips to Spring Clean Your Mac

8 Tips to Spring Clean Your Mac

Time to wipe the dust off your monitor, wipe the smudge from your computer screen, and dump the crumbs that have been collecting in your keyboard since Christmas. Spring is right around the corner, so you know what that means—time for a little spring...

Get The Most Out Of Wireless printer for iPad With 2X RAS

Apple devices have always led the smart gadget race. The visually appealing design, innovative features and lock-in customer strategy keeps them ahead of competition. While iPhone enjoys a market share of more than 40% in the mobile segment, iPad is a popular iOS device with most web traffic in the...