Seeing is believing: Quantified end-user experience benefits of using Parallels RAS for native RDS and AVD

It’s one thing to read about the benefits of using Parallels RAS for native Remote Desktop Services and Azure Virtual Desktop, but it’s quite another to experience its capabilities yourself. 

In this post, I’ll explain the benefits and capabilities of Parallels RAS as they relate to RDS and AVD. Read on to learn more and access your free trial here.

Measuring performance in remote sessions

Collecting telemetry data about the performance inside a remote session provides insights into the required CPU, memory, disk I/O usage, and resources. It does, however, not always provide insight into the actual user experience.

Being able to see the actual perceived end-user experience is what makes the difference. EUC Scores do exactly that by measuring and quantifying the perceived end user experience in remote and digital workspaces, both on-premises and in the cloud. They combine both telemetry data and the recorded user experience in a single view.

This blog post highlights two specific features of Parallels RAS that provide additional benefits and an enhanced end user experience —accelerating the enumeration of local files and folders based on Parallels RAS Accelerated File Retrieval and accelerating access to redirected printers with Parallels RAS Universal Printing.

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Introducing the EUC Score test methodology

The EUC Score involves a range of criteria. As described on, the scores are compiled based on the following elements:

When interacting with virtual desktops or remote applications, there are several usability and performance aspects with significant relevance for most users: fast logon, short application load times, high refresh rate of the endpoint display, great graphics quality, unnoticeable user interface response time delays, support of all common media formats, and high session reliability. Only systems that come close to this ideal allow users to naturally emerge into the digital workspace through a range of endpoint devices with different capabilities and form factors.” 

Benny Tritsch, Parallels VIPP and owner of EUCScore has conducted a series of tests to compare the perceived end-user experience of Parallels RAS (Remote Application Server) with the Native Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and the native Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) experience.

The Parallels RAS performance tests performed

This series of tests covers the user experience when accessing local files and folders from within a remote session and accessing local printers from within a remote session.

The sessions were conducted with Parallels RAS features enabled and without Parallels RAS features enabled (creating an experience similar to native Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)).

All tests were conducted using a session host server running in Azure based on Standard_D2s_v5 size, which contains 2 vCPU, 8Gb memory, and a 128Gb disk based on Premium SSD.

Accelerating enumeration of local files and folders

Parallels RAS includes a feature called Accelerated File Retrieval, which significantly speeds up the enumeration of local files and folders. This feature optimizes communication (compared to standard RDP) and adds caching of the folder structure.

This optimization applies to both the Parallels Client for Windows and the Parallels Client for macOS. It also applies to published desktops and published applications in both single-session and multi-session modes.

Parallels RAS makes access to local files 60 times faster

As I mentioned in the introduction, seeing the actual differences in the perceived end user experience is what makes test results and telemetry data come to life. The results of this test were visibly clear.

Without Parallels RAS Accelerated File retrieval, the user must wait over 60 seconds before getting proper access to all content inside folders stored on the local client.

With Parallels RAS Accelerated File retrieval, however, the same process takes about a second to complete.

Beyond the user experience, Parallels RAS Accelerated File retrieval can also enable higher user densities because fewer resources are consumed by the same user actions. When using a public cloud provider like Azure, it allows organizations to save on cloud consumption costs.

The EUC Score visualizer shows the results of these tests in an easy-to-understand, logical way by presenting the perceived end-user experience alongside telemetry data and recorded user activity, including options to zoom into specific quadrants and open side-by-side comparisons.

The screenshot below shows the EUC Score visualizer in action.

Accelerated file retrieval

The table below contains links to all interactive test results published on

Accessing local files and folders
User experience with Accelerated File Retrieval
User experience without Accelerated File Retrieval (similar to RDS or Azure Virtual Desktop experience)
Side-by-side comparison

Parallels RAS Accelerated File Retrieval vs the native RDS and AVD experience

The test results show that when comparing the native Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) experience with Parallels RAS Accelerated File Retrieval, Parallels RAS clearly wins.

Some key takeaways include:

More information on Accelerated File Retrieval and other user experience enhancements built into Parallels RAS can be found in this blog post.

Accelerated access to redirected printers

Parallels RAS offers Universal Printing technology, a comprehensive way of dealing with printing in remote sessions. It is designed to enhance the printing experience in virtualized and remote environments.

Some of its features include compression, multi-functional support, increased performance, and an optimized user experience. This test specifically measures the time it takes to get access to redirected printers upon reconnecting to a disconnected session, a very common scenario when dealing with published applications and desktops.

Parallels RAS makes access to redirected printers five times faster

I’ve established that to answer the question of whether a feature makes a noticeable difference in accelerating a specific action for the end user, investigating the perceived user experience is key.   The result of a test of the printing features shows a significant difference in perceived user experience.

Without Parallels RAS Universal Printing getting access to eight printers takes 16 seconds upon reconnecting. With Parallels RAS Universal Printing, that same action takes less than three seconds.

In the scenario with Parallels RAS Universal Printing, fewer resources are consumed, which can lead to less user density and ultimately cost savings.

Beyond these aspects, Parallels RAS Universal Printing also overcomes issues in certain scenarios where third-party applications require printers to be available before launch. This scenario may result in specific third-party applications failing to launch or require a restart once the local printers are redirected again. Such occurrences significantly affect the overall user experience as perceived by end users.

The EUC Score visualizer presents this result comprehensively by showing the perceived end user experience alongside telemetry data and recorded user activity, including options to zoom into specific quadrants and open side-by-side comparisons.

The screenshot below shows the EUC Score visualizer in action.

Universal Printing user experience

The table below contains links to all interactive test results gathered and published on

Accessing local printers
User experience with Parallels RAS Universal Printing
User experience without Parallels RAS Universal Printing (similar to RDS or Azure Virtual Desktop experience)
Side-by-side comparison

Parallels RAS Universal Printing vs the native RDS and AVD experience

The test results show that when comparing the native Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) experience with Parallels RAS Universal Printing, Parallels RAS clearly wins.

With Parallels RAS:

More information on this and all the other enhancements that Parallels RAS Universal Printing provides can be found in this blog post and by watching this video.

Take advantage of these and many other features included in Parallels RAS to enhance the user experience of virtual applications and desktops through a unified workspace.

Download the Parallels RAS trial today!