Design smarter, not harder. Run the instructional design software you need on your Mac

Instructional designers, run the Windows-only software and the complete functionality you need to design courses, curricula, and more on your Mac.

Run GIS professional apps on your Mac

Use your favorite design apps on your Mac with Parallels Desktop starting at


See what your fellow instructional design professionals have to say about using Parallels Desktop...

Your favorite software, virtualized on your Mac

See all your favorite Windows-only applications side-by-side on your Mac. Take your instructional design talents to the next level.

Articulate 360
Articulate 360 Storyline
Articulate 360 Rise
Articulate 360 Review
Articulate 360 Peek
Articulate 360 Content Library
iSpring Suite
Parallels Desktop icon

Parallels Desktop Pro Edition

Authorized by Microsoft icon Authorized by Microsoft

Optimized for Mac M-series icon Optimized for Mac M-series

Billed annually
  • Use 200,000+ Windows apps
  • Access the full range of tools and features in your essential apps
  • No need for a second Windows machine
  • Switch between macOS and Windows effortlessly

Start running instructional design apps on Mac with a virtual machine using Parallels Desktop in just minutes

Download Parallels Desktop icon

Download Parallels Desktop

Download and install Parallels Desktop on your Mac.

Install Windows icon

Install Windows

Once installed, set up a new virtual machine and install Windows.

*Windows license required

Launch a virtual machine icon

Launch a virtual machine

After installing Windows, you can run your favorite instructional design apps and software including Articulate 360 and all its features and tools, right from your Mac.

Why choose Parallels Desktop?

Why buy from Parallels?
Authorized by Microsoft
Authorized by Microsoft

The only solution authorized by Microsoft to run Windows 11 on Apple M-series Macs.

Parallels Toolbox included
Parallels Toolbox included in the Pro Edition

Gain access to 50+ free productivity tools designed to simplify tasks.

Live support
Live support

24/7 phone, chat and email support for subscribers. Get in touch anytime, anywhere.

Maximize your Mac’s potential — and your productivity — with Parallels Desktop

Start running the Windows version of your favorite instructional design apps today