REPORT An MSP’s guide to lowering license costs

As MSPs strive to remain competitive, deliver high-quality services, and sustain healthy profit margins, effectively managing license costs is paramount.

The complexity of software licenses coupled with rising expenses presents significant challenges for managed service providers. MSPs must navigate partner program terms, product changes, and complex pricing structures to ensure partner compliance and cost-effectiveness. They must also stay vigilant regarding the costs of hosted platforms and the technical resources required to deliver reliable, cost-efficient virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions to their customers.

In this whitepaper, you’ll explore key challenges for today’s MSPs and how to overcome them, including:

  • Types of software licensing models for MSPs.
  • The challenge of license costs in managed services.
  • Navigating changes to vendor partner programs.
  • Balancing customer pricing strategies.
  • Strategies for managing license costs.
  • Managing the complexities of licensing.
  • How Parallels RAS helps MSPs to reduce license costs.

This e-book aims to provide insights into navigating the complexities of license management, optimizing cost structures, and safeguarding profitability in an increasingly challenging environment for MSPs.