Did You Find All the Parallels Desktop 11 Easter Eggs?

Who doesn’t love a good Easter egg? No, not the kind you go digging for in the grass come springtime, but the kind that get a lot of “ooh’s” and “ah’s” when someone points it out in their favorite movie, book, TV show, etc.

The Parallels dev team has been hiding Easter eggs inside of Parallels Desktop since version 3, and many of you have noticed or commented on some of these…






While the Easter egg in Parallels Desktop 11 is the same Tetris-like game found in version 10, did you know that there was technically another Easter egg included in copies of Parallels Desktop 11?

Yup, though you may have missed it, there’s a small surprise included in every Parallels Desktop 11 box. Check it out…

The Hidden Parallels Desktop Easter Egg

Parallels Desktop Easter Egg

Stickers! A silly little surprise, to be sure, but still a fun Parallels Desktop Easter egg. And, believe it or not, the stick figure stickers at the top were drawn by our very own President, Jack Zubarev.

Parallels Desktop Easter Egg

Have you seen the stickers hidden inside the Parallels Desktop 11 boxes? Please tell us you made something beautiful out of yours.

And hey, if you haven’t picked up your version of Parallels Desktop 11 yet, don’t fret—you can start a free trial or upgrade right now.


Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac

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