What’s new in Parallels® RAS 19

Parallels RAS 19의 새로운 기능

기술 발전에서 유용성 향상에 이르기까지 Parallels RAS 최신 릴리스의 새로운 기능에 대해 알아보세요.

  • 유연성 및 보안성 향상
  • 서비스 제공업체 및 독립 소프트웨어 공급업체를 위한 민첩성
  • 관리자와 최종 사용자를 위한 단순성과 유용성 향상

Parallels RAS 19.2

Parallels RAS 19.2 focuses on Azure Virtual Desktop integration, making it easier for administrators with little or no knowledge of Azure to maximize the benefits of multi-user Windows 10/11 workloads.

Watch the on-demand webinar.

Key enhancements:

Azure Virtual Desktop

  • HTML5 Web Client
    Access Azure Virtual Desktop resources from Windows, macOS, and Linux devices using any browser.
  • MSIX app attach
    Packaged applications can now be appended to Azure Virtual Desktop workloads.
  • RDP Shortpath
    UDP-based transport between client and session host can now be limited to a specific port range.
  • Storage cost optimization
    As an extension of the auto-scaling and power management cost optimizations, managed disk storage can automatically be downgraded when Azure Virtual Desktop virtual machines are powered off.

Additional enhancements

  • User experience
    Users can granularly select specific monitors for virtual desktops. In addition, pre-created client connections can be designated for shared devices.
  • Microsoft Authenticator
    For Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) authentication, Microsoft Authenticator is now available.
  • Administrative improvements
    Persistent desktop assignments, as well as new PowerShell cmdlets and APIs make administration easier.

Parallels RAS 19.1

Parallels RAS 19.1 is an incremental update that adds new capabilities, supports new technology, and includes performance and security improvements. Highlights include:

  • MSIX app attach enhancements
    Parallels RAS 19.1 extends MSIX app attach application delivery to virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Now MSIX app attach application packages can be assigned to VDI desktops in addition to RD Session Hosts. MSIX app attach lets administrators work more efficiently by dynamically adding, removing, and updating apps without installing the apps on the desktop image or Parallels RAS templates.
  • Support for Nutanix AOS 6.5
    Parallels RAS 19.1 supports the latest Nutanix AOS Long Term Supported (LTS) version for IT organizations that use Nutanix to automate provisioning, scaling, and power management of session host workloads.
  • New policy search
    The new Search capability in the Parallels RAS Management Console makes it faster and easier for administrators to find and configure available policies.
  • New user experience reports
    Monitor, troubleshoot, and enhance user experience with information from new preconfigured reports for Transport Protocol (TCP/UDP), Network Latency, Connection Quality, and Bandwidth Quality. IT administrators can now retrieve historic user session data to reveal areas where user experience can be improved.
  • Parallels Client for Linux now supports Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    Parallels Client for Linux extends its flexibility and connectivity with support for the latest Ubuntu LTS version, 22.04.
  • New PowerShell cmdlets and REST APIs
    PowerShell and REST APIs allow IT administrators to deploy and manage Parallels RAS using automation. The following list of PowerShell cmdlets and REST APIs are now available and reverse proxy can be used with REST APIs.
    • MSIX app attach: Deploy and configure MSIX app attach for RD Session Hosts and VDI desktops.
    • Tenant Broker: Join Tenant to Tenant Broker and get Tenant Broker status.
    • Logon Hours: Configure logon hour restrictions.

Parallels RAS 19

새 Parallels RAS 19 릴리스는 모든 장치에서 가상 응용프로그램 및 데스크탑에 대한 보안 액세스를 제공하는 데 있어 최고 등급이라는 명성을 획득한 기능과 혁신을 기반으로 합니다.

배포 유연성과 보안성을 개선하는 동시에 관리자와 최종 사용자 모두를 위해 단순성과 유용성을 높였습니다. 우리의 목표는 기업, 독립 소프트웨어 공급업체(ISV) 및 관리되는 서비스 공급자(MSP)가 단일 관리 콘솔에서 보다 민첩하게 대응하고 서비스 제공을 확장할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 클라우드 공급자로서의 AWS(아마존 웹 서비스)
    Parallels RAS 19는 Amazon EC2와 통합하여 지원되는 클라우드 컴퓨팅 공급자 목록을 확장합니다. Parallels RAS 템플릿을 사용하면 통합된 관리자 및 최종 사용자 경험이 포함된 클라우드 또는 하이브리드 환경에서 주문형 인스턴스를 직접 배포하고 자동 확장할 수 있습니다.
  • MSIX 앱 연결 통합
    Parallels RAS 19 MSIX 앱 연결 통합으로 올바른 사용자에게 올바른 응용프로그램을 제공하세요. MSIX 패키지를 검색 및 가져오고, 기본 제공 버전 태그를 사용하여 패키지 업데이트를 단순화하고, 패키지 서명에 사용되는 인증서를 관리하고, 동적 응용프로그램 제공을 위해 세션 호스트에 응용프로그램 패키지를 할당할 수 있습니다.
  • Let's Encrypt 인증서 관리
    Parallels RAS 19는 무료 SSL 및 TLS 인증서를 제공하는 수상 경력에 빛나는 글로벌 인증 기관(CA)인 Let's Encrypt와 즉시 사용 가능한 SSL 인증서 생성을 통합하여 보안 사용자 액세스를 단순화합니다. Parallels RAS 19는 갱신 프로세스를 자동화하고 인증서 관리를 쉽게 해주므로 Parallels RAS 콘솔에서 직접 인증서를 발급, 갱신 및 취소할 수 있습니다.
  • 특정 URL 리디렉션
    기존 URL 및 메일 리디렉션 기능 외에도 이제 Parallels RAS 19에는 URL을 리디렉션하는 기능이 포함됩니다. 서버에서 클라이언트로 리디렉션하여 최종 사용자 장치 리소스 사용을 최적화할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 Microsoft Teams 또는 Zoom과 같은 통합 커뮤니케이션 도구의 로컬 버전으로 리디렉션하여 통화 및 회의를 위한 오디오 및 비디오 전달을 최적화할 수 있습니다.
  • 다단계 인증(MFA) 공급자
    이제 관리자는 여러 MFA를 사용할 수 있습니다. 다른 Parallels RAS 환경을 배포할 필요 없이 동일한 리소스를 재사용하고 IT 관리를 간소화할 수 있습니다.
  • ARM64의 Windows용 Parallels Client
    Windows용 Parallels Client는 ARM64 프로세서를 사용하는 시스템에서 기본적으로 실행되도록 재구축 및 최적화되어 이러한 경량 시스템 사용자에게 x86 및 64비트 응용프로그램에 효율적으로 액세스할 수 있게 해줍니다.
  • 표현식 기반 필터링 및 정책
    표현식 기반 필터링은 자연어 형식을 사용하여 관리자에게 더 많은 유연성을 제공하면서 복잡성을 줄입니다. 표현식을 사용하여 사용자 액세스를 보다 세부적으로 관리하기 위한 규칙 및 기준을 설정하고, Parallels RAS 클라이언트 연결 정책을 지정된 개체에 적용하고, 로그온 시간을 설정하여 팜 리소스에 대한 사용자 액세스를 제한하고, MFA(다단계 인증) 요구 사항을 관리하는 등의 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.
  • 전원 관리
    클라우드에서 가상 머신(VM)을 실행하는 경우의 주된 특징은 사용하는 컴퓨팅 리소스에 대해서만 비용을 지불한다는 것입니다. VDI VM은 일반적으로 업무 시간에만 사용됩니다. Parallels RAS 전원 관리를 통해 관리자는 Microsoft Azure, Azure Virtual Desktop 및 Amazon EC2를 포함하여 지원되는 공급자 플랫폼을 켜거나 끄는 기존 VM의 전원을 켜거나 끄는 일정을 설정할 수 있습니다.
  • 이메일 기반 계정 검색
    사용자가 Parallels 클라이언트를 통해 가상 앱 및 데스크톱에 연결하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. 이제 최종 사용자는 이메일 주소를 입력하여 연결 세부 정보를 얻을 수 있으므로 더 이상 팜의 긴 서버 주소나 URL을 입력할 필요가 없습니다. 이제는 모든 기본 Parallels 클라이언트가 이메일 주소 입력을 통한 Parallels RAS 팜 찾기를 지원합니다.
  • 로그온 시간 제어
    로그온 시간에 대한 규칙을 설정하여 이니셔티브를 연결 해제하고 보안을 강화할 수 있는 권한을 지원합니다. Parallels RAS 19를 사용하면 게시된 리소스에 대한 로그온 시간을 설정할 수 있습니다. 표현식 기반의 유연한 규칙을 사용하여 액세스를 예약할 수 있습니다.

기능의 전체 목록은 Parallels RAS 19 릴리스 노트를 참조하세요.

Parallels RAS 18.3.1

Pen-pressure support is now available for the Parallels Web (HTML5) Client! Visit our blog for more information about the business and education benefits of this addition. For other changes in this release, see the release notes.

Parallels RAS 18.3

Parallels RAS 18.3 continues to improve the user experience and provide new flexibility and security controls. Highlights include:

  • Complete support for the latest versions of Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022
    Take advantage of improved security and an enhanced user experience with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.
  • Improved Azure Virtual Desktop Integration
    A streamlined process means customers can now make use of Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) without the need to use hybrid Active Directory Domain Services. In addition, media optimizations have improved audio and video for communication tools like Microsoft Teams.

Parallels RAS 18.2

Parallels RAS 18.2 optimizes resources, improves user session flow, supports the latest operating systems, and delivers new administrator features that enhance IT productivity. Highlights include:

  • Optimal Routing
    Optimize user session traffic flow by specifying a preferred tunneling route between the end client and published resources.
  • Parallels Client: Support for Latest Operating Systems
    The Parallels Client now supports the latest versions of Windows, macOS, and iOS, improving the end user experience.
  • Parallels Web (HTML5) Client: Native Clipboard Experience
    Users can now copy, cut, and paste plain text from a remote session to their device directly (and vice versa), improving productivity.
  • Parallels RAS Reporting: New and extended reports
  • Web-Based Management Portal: New administrative capabilities
  • Updated Support for Hyperconverged Providers

Parallels RAS 18.1

Parallels RAS 18.1 continues to improve user session management, simplifies access to Remote PC for end-users, adds new features for Azure Virtual Desktop integration and delivers the Parallels Client for Mac now optimized to run natively on Apple M1 and Intel chips. Highlights include:

  • Combined User Session Management
    A new Sessions category combines all user sessions and associated session details, whether they are hosted on RD Session Hosts, VDI, Azure Virtual Desktop or Remote PCs.
  • Self-Service Remote PC Access
    End users can enroll their preferred Windows PC on the Parallels RAS Farm in a self-service manner, automatically creating a corresponding published desktop.
  • Azure Virtual Desktop: New Features
    Azure Virtual Desktop integration is even better! Now admins can override host sizes for each host pool, leverage RDP Shortpath for a direct UDP-based connection, use SAML (2.0) SSO, and more.
  • Parallels Client for Mac on Apple M1 and Intel Chips
    The Parallels Client for Mac is rebuilt and optimized to run natively on Apple M1 and Intel-based Mac devices alike, increasing end-user performance.
  • Dynamic Session Resolution Update
    Improve user experience by dynamically updating the remote desktop session's resolution when in windowed mode, without needing to reconnect to the session.
  • Bidirectional Clipboard and File Transfer Control
    Increase security by not permitting users to copy or download data from remote sessions to local devices. Users may copy or upload data from local devices to remote applications.
  • Granular Multifactor Authentication Configuration
  • Maintenance for Published Resources
  • Yubico - YubiKey (PIV) Support
  • Tenant Broker: Multiple Addresses for a Single Tenant

Parallels RAS 18

Parallels RAS 18 integrates and enriches the Azure Virtual Desktop experience, supports FSLogix Profile Containers, significantly improves IT service delivery and reduces infrastructure costs. Highlights include:

  • Azure Virtual Desktop Integration
    Extend Azure Virtual Desktop capabilities by integrating, configuring and unifying all virtual workloads and resources from a centralized console. Integrate Parallels RAS deployments with Azure Virtual Desktop, delivering a single solution to end users.
  • FSLogix Profile Containers Integration
    Easily deploy, configure and manage FSLogix Profile Containers centrally from the Parallels RAS Console, as the preferred integrated user profile management solution.
  • UX Evaluator & Advanced Session Metrics
    Administrators can improve service delivery by pinpointing issues faster and more accurately with the User Experience (UX) Evaluator metric, combined with a complete view of user session details.
  • Automated Image Optimizations
    Built-in automated image optimization capabilities for RDSH, VDI or Azure Virtual Desktop workloads improves the user experience, reduces IT infrastructure costs and accelerates time to production.
  • RDSH & VDI Local Storage Distribution
    Meet your storage needs cost effectively by deploying clones from templates to multiple, independent Microsoft Hyper-V hosts locally, in addition to existing shared storage deployments.
  • Management Portal
    Deploy and manage Parallels RAS environments and monitor user sessions from the newly updated web-based management portal. IT admins may remotely manage environments from their mobile devices.
  • Accelerated file retrieval
  • CPU optimization
  • Improved delivery with third-party load balancers

Parallels RAS 17.1

This latest version equips enterprises, managed service providers (MSPs) and independent software vendors (ISVs) with even greater capabilities to leverage application delivery and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Highlights include:

  • Multi-tenant architecture that enables multiple organizations to share Parallels RAS components.
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) support that adds single sign-on (SSO) functionality and streamlines management of user identities between different organizations.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) support for greater high availability in the cloud.

Parallels RAS 17

Parallels RAS 17 helps organizations deliver remote applications and desktops to their employees, including an improved user experience with ultra-fast logon, better security, and simplified task management. Highlights include:

  • Extended multi-factor authentication options with Google Authenticator
    Parallels RAS 17 integrates with another popular MFA mechanism, allowing organizations to add an extra layer of security without any additional cost.
  • AI-based session pre-launch for ultra-fast login
    Parallels AI-based session pre-launch technology allows users to access their virtual workspace instantly, improving UX and boosting efficiency and productivity.
  • Windows Server 2019 support
    Take advantage of the advanced features and support of Microsoft Windows Server 2019, including RDS and Hyper-V.
  • Web-based console and Helpdesk tool
    A web-based console provides IT with more flexibility, allowing Parallels RAS infrastructure monitoring and user sessions troubleshooting from any web browser.
    Parallels RAS provides REST API, allowing organizations to integrate with existing orchestration and management solutions.
  • Turnkey VDI Solution with Scale Computing HC3
    Support for Scale Computing’s HC3 enables organizations to create an end-to-end cost-effective VDI solution.
  • Granular Administrator permissions
    Parallels RAS provides more granular options, allowing IT to configure specific permissions to administrators and delegate control of any Parallels RAS object.

Parallels RAS 16.5.3

Parallels RAS now includes support for yet another VDI platform, new developer tools, and a couple of client-side security enhancements, in addition to several other improvements. Highlights include:

  • Support for Scale Computer’s HC3 as a VDI platform
    HC3 is a new hyperconverged infrastructure solution that combines computer, storage, virtualization, backup, and disaster recovery in a single appliance. HC3 uses Scale Computing’s own KVM-based hypervisor, thereby positioning itself as a cost-effective, easy-to-use hyperconverged solution—qualities that perfectly match those of Parallels RAS.
  • New developer tools
    Parallels RAS has extended its use of RAS session variables. Previously, RAS session variables could only be used with published applications. In 16.5.3, this capability has been extended to published desktops as well.
  • Client-Side Security Enhancements
    he latest update includes some crucial client-side security enhancements in macOS, iOS, and Android clients, such as:
    • Displaying password requirements when a user is changing his/her password
    • Sending password expiration notifications
    • Enabling users to change their password as soon as they receive the notification

Parallels RAS 16.5

Parallels RAS now includes support for yet another VDI platform, new developer tools, and a couple of client-side security enhancements, in addition to several other improvements. Highlights include:

  • Streamlined deployment
    VDI Agent has been enhanced and is now incorporated into Publishing Agent. It eliminates extra components and allows multiple VDI-host management by the single Publishing Agent.
  • Solution resilience
    To reduce management downtime, the PA auto-promotion feature has been introduced. When the feature is enabled, the next PA in the Publishing Agent list is auto-promoted in the case of a Master Publishing Agent failure.
  • Automation
    Notifications have been enhanced. Not only are there new notification types, but there’s also support for monitoring in two directions: “Rises above” and “Decreases below.” You can also now allow a script to execute if certain events occur.
  • New granular client connection policies
    New granular policies offer IT admins more flexibility in configuring clients by splitting four categories into more than 20.
  • Azure multi-factor authentication (MFA) support
    New second-level authentication profiles have been added for Azure MFA and other providers to simplify configuration: Azure MFA Server via RADIUS, Duo, FortiAuthenticator, TekRADIUS
  • Microsoft App-V publishing
    Parallels RAS 16.5 adds the ability to enumerate Microsoft App-V packages delivered by the App-V infrastructure or SCCM during application publishing.
  • Parallels RAS Console
    The site dashboard has been extended to show additional performance metrics.
  • Windows Client customization
    New customization options let you rebrand the Windows Client (client binaries). You can now have the same branding as the HTML5 Client, personalizing the look and feel of Parallels Client for Windows with a logo on the login screen.
  • Refreshed HTML5 Client
    The HTML5 web client has been refreshed with a modern look.
  • Citrix XenApp 6.5 Migration tool
    Citrix XenApp 6.5 reached its end of life on June 30, 2018. To help Citrix users migrate to Parallels RAS, version 16.5 provides a migration tool.

Parallels RAS 16

Parallels RAS 16 continues to offer the best value among application and desktop delivery solutions, with several improvements that affect the performance and ease of use of the software. Highlights include:

  • Turbo.net Support
    With its integration with Turbo.net, Parallels RAS 16 allows for the containerization and provisioning of applications from the Turbo.net library. This lets administrators publish different versions of the same applications from the same server.
  • PowerShell Support
    Administrators can also leverage version 16’s support for Microsoft PowerShell 2.0. With PowerShell, IT administrators will be able to utilize automatic scripts, letting them tackle complex configurations and repetitive tasks in a simpler, more streamlined way.
  • VDI Improvements
    To further streamline the deployment and management of the VDI environment, the new version of Parallels RAS provides customizable VDI templates, clones, and linked clones. To support the improvements, personalized version of Sysprep is included. Parallels RASprep allows administrators to prepare and automatically configure Windows desktops, reducing lead time.
  • Mobile and HTML5 Client Improvements and Updates
    Parallels RAS continues to build on its excellent mobile experience by offering updated clients for iOS and Android devices. These clients now offer shortcut customizations that simplify the use of applications that require complex keystrokes. Access to applications delivered on iOS can also be protected by using a device passcode and Touch ID. Improvements to the HTML5 Client let administrators offer a customized look and feel for users or user groups.
  • Drag and drop
    Users connected to Parallels RAS through Parallels Client for Windows and Mac can easily drag and drop files and images from their local workstation to remote applications.